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The Southern Seminary Manual of Style. Show full item record. Title: The Southern Seminary Manual of Style: Author: Office of Doctoral Studies: URI.
To send an email regarding the Lesson Study Guide follow the link below: Email Link: This Sunday School Study Guide is provided free of cost for personal study and as an aid for Sunday School teachers. It contains copyright material and may not be reproduced in any form for sale, without permission from the copyright holders. Bailey Sadler Class SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON STUDY GUIDE – Summer, 2018 Study Theme: Building A Life of Service What This Lesson Is About: Week of: Lesson Title: The focus for this week’s study is on asking God to help us understand the importance of being consistent in our daily lives with what we believe from God’s Word! July 22 Pray (Neh. 1:1-11) July 29 Plan (Neh. 2:1-8,17-18) August 05 Persist (Neh.
4:1-3,6-9,14-18) X August 12 Protect (Neh. 5:1-13) August 19 Prioritize (Neh. 6:1-3,15-16; 8:1-3,5-8) August 26 Praise (Neh. 8:9-12; 12:27-31a) LIFE IMPACT: As Christians, we cannot separate who we are from what we do. FOCAL PASSAGE: Nehemiah 5:1-13 LESSON OUTLINE: I. Believers Are To Support & Not Take Advantage of Others (Neh.
5:1-5) How I Treat Others Reflects How I Honor God (Neh. 5:6-11) Repentance Means Turning To a Lifestyle That Fully Honors God (Neh. 5:12-13) THE SETTING: The postexilic prophets attest to the economic difficulties during the time that the exiles returned to Jerusalem. These difficulties provided the framework for the problems the Jews were having with one another that threatened to derail the rebuilding of the wall. If Nehemiah turned the other way to injustices in his society, then he would have struggled in the completion of the wall. What were some of those economic difficulties? download free Speedaire Air Compressor Owners Manual.
Haggai, writing before the time of Nehemiah, spoke of the frustrating situation in Jerusalem when the exiles returned. Suzuki Dt140 Workshop Manual download free. He attributed their economic difficulties to their refusal to complete the work of the temple, emphasizing that the drought on their land was a result of their unfaithfulness to God ( 1:6-11). Malachi, writing after the time of Nehemiah, described a condition of vines that did not produce fruit. Harley Davidson Sportster Engine Repair Manual download free there. Their fields were barren and their food pantries were empty ( Mal. 3:7-12). The prophet explained this emptiness as a result of the people withholding their tithes from the Lord ( 3:10).