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Composting and Worm Farming Workshop Manual • 1. CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION: What is composting and worm farming? 2 Why bother composting and worm farming? 3 COMPOSTING: The composting recipe: ADAM 4 Composting ingredients 6 Solving composting problems 8 Composting systems 9 Using compost 14 WORM FARMING: Making a worm farm 15 Hints for happy worms 16 Using worm castings and worm juice 17 NOTES 18 1 • WHAT IS COMPOSTING AND WORM FARMING? Prentice 2124 Service Manual download more. 2002 Mercury 25 Hp Outboard Manual download more. Composting is not a new science, humans have been recycling waste products for thousands of years and nature has been composting since the beginning of time. Composting is a natural process that involves the decomposition of organic matter. Millions of micro-organisms drive the compost process by breaking organic matter down to its original nutrient form. download Tricaster Tcxd 300 Manual torrent.