Mccormick 46 Hay Baler Manual download

Mccormick 46 Hay Baler Manual

Now i am wanting to get started making hay and got to wait all winter. I picked up a IH McCormick 46 baler. Get an operator's manual and make sure all the.

Well you did say you bent the needle, not broke it. Have you considered trying to straighten it? Heat it up and drive on it with a vehicle. If its cracked, have it welded. I use nickel rod with an AC buzzbox to re-do all kind of mallable iron pieces. Haval H5 Service Manual download on this page. If its just bent a little bit, then empty the baler and cycle it by hand until the needles lift up thru the knotter drive. Adjust the needle position to just glide thru the twine disks.

This is where the twine is clamped in the disks. The tying operation is no mystery, just a fantastic sequence of mechanical movements, like a ballet. I've noticed thru the years that just about all baler parts are interchangable. See what it takes to swap in some NH or JD parts. Forgot to mention, the Service Manual covers 45, 46, 50, 55, and 56 twine balers, so there is a good possibility the needles were used on several models. Try your nearest CNH/IH dealer and they may be able to at least verify if the part exists on several models -- then try the salvage yards. Those needles if memory is correct are the same from the 45 to the early model 430 and 440 balers. download free Cb1000r 2009 Manual.

The later model 430 and 440 were the all twine models which did take a different needle and they were all the same as far as side.